Although Alexander Mackenzie was the first to cross North America over land and when he finished that journey, he arrived at the Pacific ocean, here in Bella Coola. There are many stories of Mackenzie; he was given oolichan grease with berries, but he didn’t like it, so our Ancestors just gave him berries. Alexander Mackenzie was the first European person to survive because the Nuxalk people decided not to kill him like they decided to kill the Metis people before him. He was, however, only in Nuxalk Territory for less than two weeks.
Chief Qwatsinas’ Edward Moody’s Burial site is located near the Burnt Bridge Loop Trail entrance. He wanted to be buried up there to lay claim to the area as Nuxalk territory. Edward Moody had a distant relative that was from that area. Chief Qwatsinas loved dancing, singing, his culture, the forest, and storytelling of the Nuxalk history. A Hundred and fifty years ago, the trailhead’s parking lot area was a village site called Xayq’ts, Barnacle Beach. After smallpox, everyone moved down to Bella Coola, and eight years ago, it became a burial site. This connects to our singing, dancing, telling stories, learning, to our territories.
Chief Qwatsinas worked with the other chiefs from the house of the Smayusta. He said, “We must protect the forests for our children, grandchildren and children yet to be born. We must protect the forests for those who can’t speak for themselves such as the birds, animals, fish and trees”.